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The first generation link (William Thorne) will take you to a number of historical documents and links to the massive William Thorne sub web maintained here. Also, be sure not to miss the special Thorn/e pages we maintain or provide links for.

THORN/THORNE FAMILY (View the Thorn/e crest)
Generation Name Year of Birth Spouse Year of Birth
1 William Thorne c. 1617 Susannah Booth unknown
2 John Thorne c. 1643 Mary Parsell c. 1643
3 Joseph Thorne 1668 Martha Bowne 1673
4 Samuel Thorn/e 1696 Ann Stevenson c. 1696
5 Thomas Thorn 1719 Sarah Haight 1725/6
6 Elnathan Thorn 1745 Martha Jane Weeks 1750
7 Nathaniel Thorn 1784 Charity Cornell 1784
8 John Thorn 1809 Hannah P. Lewis 1810
9 Solomon P. Thorn 1845 Katherine M. Hasbrouck 1844
10 John Richard Thorn 1869 May Ackhart 1869
11 Clarence Solomon Thorn 1896 Gladys Lavinia Terhune 1896
12 J. Richard Thorn 1922 H. Marie Coutant 1925

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Last modified on May 15, 2006.
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