The following text is from the
pamphlet (without copyright) distributed as part of the 50th Anniversary Celebration of
the Friends Monthly Meeting located in Clintondale, NY. This history was compiled by B.
Russell Branson, minister at the meeting at the time the celebration was held.
This document is rich in history, especially as it pertains to the Thorn,
Coutant, and other family ancestors.

In the 1760, Edward Hallock, a Friend, from Chatauqua, Long Island, sailed up the
Hudson in his own vessel between Christmas and New Years, with his family, a wife, two
sons and ten daughters. He purchased and settled upon a farm in what was then known as New
Marlborough. There he lived until his death in 1809. His home was the first Friends
Meeting on the West bank of the Hudson River. It was always open on First Day at 11:00
o'clock for a meeting for worship.
In the early formation of the Society in this section Edward Hallock and David Sears
were both prominent ministers. Their ministerial mantles fell upon Nicholas Hallock and
James Hallock. It is believed that a meeting was formally appointed about 1785. There is a
deed, executed by the trustees of the Cornwall Monthly Meeting for property in Milton,
bearing the date 9-4-1787. The "Valley" (now Plattekill) purchased property
12-23-1793. Marlboro Monthly Meeting was organized 5-24-1804, meetings to be held
alternately at the Valley and at the Marlboro Meeting.
It was about the year 1790 that Friends began to hold meetings in their homes in the
neighborhood of what Is now known as Clintondale. A committee was appointed by the
Marlboro Monthly Meeting, 7-23-1806 to formally set up a meeting in Clintondale. The
committee was Samuel Adam, Zephaniah Birdsall, James Pine, Merritt More and Tristram
Russell. This service they promptly performed, and the Meeting was called the Plattekill
Preparative Meeting. They secured a small rectangular building for a meeting house. It
stood fairly near the place where the present meeting house stands. However, it was both
inadequate and inappropriate. It was sold and removed in 1910 and became "Stewart's
grocery store."
It appears that shortly after this Friends set about securing property and building a
meeting house. Exact dates are unknown save for a deed bearing the date of 8-20-1811
"for the Plattekill (now Clintondale) church property of one acre and 39 rods of land
- consideration of $34.41 - executed by John Underhill and wife to Daniel Birdsall and
Zephaniah Birdsall, trustees, duly chosen and authorized to make said purchase for and on
behalf of the Society of Friends." As to whether the meeting house was built in 1811
or 1812 is not certain. But a meeting house was built in one of those years. A minute for
10-25-1911 tells of a committee that was appointed to arrange for a celebration of the
100th Anniversary of the building of the first meeting house of Friends in Clintondale. A
meeting house after the manor of Friends was erected. We have a picture of it. It was a
small rectangular building with two entrances and a partition running through it
separating the men from the women. It stood on the very spot where the present meeting
house now stands.
Prof. P. N. Mitchell in his history of Clintondale writes, "Among the leading
families or persons who aided in building and establishing the first Friends society and
building are Dr. Adna Heaton, a physician of wide reputation and a minister. He was,
perhaps, the prime mover. With him were Daniel Lawrence, Reuben Bernard, Benjamin Roberts,
Joel Cornell, Heydock Carpenter, John Sutton, Nathaniel Selleck, John Gough, Sarah Heaton,
daughter of Adna Heaton and mother of Mary Sutton, and Hannah, wife of Caleb Church."
Friends used this plain but substantial meeting house for 75 years. The records for
this early period are not available. For this writing we are minus the records of the
first fifty years. However, it is evident that the Society grew and progressed. That there
were some ministers of note is also evident. Beginning with Dr. Heaton some of the others
were -- Hannah Church, Nathaniel Selleck, Nathaniel Thorn, Sarah Roberts and Sarah E.
The saintly Esther Weeks was probably the most noted of the early Friends ministers
that went out from Clintondale. She was Esther C. Thorn born Sept. 3, 1813 in Clintondale,
and married Abram Weeks of Mt. Kisco, NY. She was truly a fine preacher and pastor, never
lacking the right word at the right time. Someone has said that her prayers were just a
little bit of heaven. She was a household example held up before the children of the
community. For her ministry she never took so much as a free-will offering. As St. Paul
was tent maker, she knitted for a living. Hers was truly a ministry of divine gift and
spirit. She traveled throughout the United States and Canada on behalf of the Society of
Friends and was greatly beloved wherever she went.
We have a minute book of the Plattekill Preparative Meeting covering a period from 1862
to 1874, and contains some most interesting entries, particularly with regard to the Civil
War. The first minute is brief but gives quite a picture of the times and times method of
procedure, we quote it in full -
"The Plattekilll Preparative Meeting of Friends held 5th mo 14th 1862.
The representatives report they attended the Monthly Meeting.
A complaint was handed to this meeting signed by the Overseers against Culver Mott for
the non-attendance of our religious meetings, which is directed to the Monthly Meeting.
Jacob C. Roberts having been appointed to have the charge of the rebuilding of the
horse shed reports the appointment answered and the expense to have been $58.24.
Representatives to attend the ensuing Monthly Meeting are Daniel L. Heaton and George
A. Carpenter.
Adjourned to meet at the usual time next month."
This minute is typical and like the rest is unsigned. However, it is evident from later
minutes that James Palmer was the clerk and continued in this service until his death, by
small-pox, in 1869.
The meeting faithfully practiced answering the queries every three months and forwarded
the answers to the Monthly Meeting as their report. The following is a typical set of
answers to the queries, given on 3-15-1865
- Ans. Most Friends are careful to attend all of our meetings for religious worship and
discipline. The hour is nearly observed by the most. Clear of unbecoming behavior in them;
except some sleeping.
- Ans. Friends are preserved in love one toward another. We know of no differences among
us. Tale bearing and detraction avoided and discouraged as far as appears.
- Ans. There is a concern with most Friends to train up their children and those of other
Friends under their care in the principles of the Christian religion as professed by us;
and in the plainness and simplicity of dress, language and deportment which it enjoins.
They are mostly good examples in these respects themselves. We believe they generally
endeavor to guard their children and all others under their care against corrupt
conversation and the reading of pernicious books.
- Ans. We believe most Friends are diligent in reading the Holy Scriptures in their
families collectively.
- Ans. Clear in the several parts of this query as far as appears.
- Ans. The circumstances of the poor have not been neglected; their children and all
others under our care have an opportunity to be educated for the ordinary duties of life.
- Ans. Friends are not all clear of complying with Military requisitions or of paying fine
or taxes instead thereof.
- Ans. Friends appear to be just in their dealings and punctual in their engagements and
careful in conducting their business as becomes our religious profession. None known to
give occasion for fear on these accounts.
- Ans. Care is generally taken seasonably to deal with offenders; we trust in the spirit
of meekness and agreeably to our discipline.
The names of Friends which appear frequently in the minutes of this period as
representatives or committeemen are - George A. Carpenter, a resident minister; James
Palmer, clerk; Reuben B. Heaton, Sarah T. Palmer, wife of James; Benjamin Roberts, Thomas
B. Heaton, Jacob Heaton. John J. Thorn, William B. Roberts, Edwin Cornell, treasurer,
Soloman Birdsall, Isaac S. Sutton, Daniel S. Heaton, Jacob C. Roberts, Josiah E. Barnhart,
Joseph G. Wiltsey, Halllock W. Sutton, John E. Cornell, John Y. Jenkins, Harvey Barton,
Charles S. Cornell, Eugene McNabb, Adna P. Heaton, Alexander Palmer, Solomon P. Thorn,
Joseph T. Griffin, Erastus S. Andrews, Charles Birdsall, Charles Palmer, Daniel L. Heaton,
and George H. Tabor. The latter names appear in the later minutes (the 70's).
These same minutes show that proposals of marriage were received by the meeting signed
by Erastus Gerow and Sarah A. Carpenter; Hallock W. Sutton and Hulda C. Thorn, both dated
10-10-1866. Also for William B. Roberts and Deborah G. Andrews, dated 3-17-1869. Also for
Walter Adams and Alida Wardell, dated 8-14-1872. The minutes also contain two or three
complaints made by the Overseers for "outgoing marriages" or what we have called
marrying out of meeting.
It was in this period that the Sunday School was organized and frequent references are
made to the preparing of reports. 1865 is the date of organization. Today it holds a large
place in the life of the meeting giving Christian nurture.
That this period was a most prosperous one, and that the community and members of the
meeting were rather wealthy is evident both from the records and from the personal memory
of older Friends now living. There never seemed to be any hesitation about raising the
funds requested. The meeting would accept its "proportional share" of the
expenses in building horse shed at the "Valley" or in Cornwall. One or two
hundred dollars for such purposes did not bother them even when they wanted to spend $266
improving their own grounds and sheds. The cost of running the meeting was not very great.
Often a minute states that some one or two persons are directed to raise $100 for the
expense of the meeting. $25 per year was paid for the care of the meeting house and
grounds. Repairs on the original meeting hours were made in 1863 to the extent of $350.
In these minutes one sees the demands of the Yearly Meeting Budget grow from $3500 to
$5000 to $6500 to $17,000 reaching a peak of $36,000 in 1866. Apparently this all came
about because of the Civil War, and the extra demands made upon Friends to relieve
suffering among their own and the Negroes. Interesting is the minute for 5-17-1865 ---
"A circular was received by this meeting from a special representative Meeting of
Friends held in New York the 27th of 4th month 1865, representing the peculiar trials,
sufferings, afflictions, and utter destitution of our dear Friends in North Carolina
caused by the Rebellion, which was read in open session of men and women Friends; causing
much expression of deep heart felt sympathy for them and a willingness to contribute
something of our abundance to alleviate their wants and necessities. James Palmer and
Daniel L. Heaton are appointed to co-operate with the women to elicit subscriptions and
forward them promptly to William Cromwell, Now York."
At the following meeting one month later this committee reported having raised and
forwarded $102 for that purpose. Subscriptions were frequently taken for the
"Freedmen," (slaves set free) also for Friends in Baltimore Yearly Meeting on
behalf of Friends in North Carolina as requested by the various extracts received from the
Yearly Meeting.
A minute of 1864 states, "The subject of the Draft seriously claiming the solid
consideration of the meeting," gives evidence of the gravity with which Friends were
faced in bearing their peace testimony. And one answer to the queries as given above,
bears witness that all Friends were not faithful in this testimony.
S. Adelbert Wood came to Clintondale about the year 1880. He came first as an
evangelist and held a series of meetings. He was a man with a fatherly disposition that
won for him his way into the hearts of the people. He was asked to stay in Clintondale as
pastor of the meeting. With him the "Pastoral System" began in the Clintondale
Meeting, he being the first to receive a stated salary. He was paid $300 per year. The
actual dates of his pastorate are unknown but it is known that he stayed for four or five
years. He was a young man at that time, and is still living today, at Knightstown,
Indiana, well advanced in years.
William Thomas Willis and Mariah Willis cam to Clintondale receiving no stated salary.
We are told that his example before the public was good. And that he was a great hand for
mixing with the public socially and showing a genuine interest in the welfare of all of
the people. He was a fair preacher and a great prohibitionist. His dates, too, are unknown
but he served the meeting as pastor for either three or four years. It was while he was
pastor that music and hymn singing were introduced into the meeting for worship. At first
the music bothered him but he soon came to love and the hymns. We have a record in a
minute for 3-15-1889 in which a committee of three was appointed to see about the purchase
of an organ. The committee was Mary Ambrose, Lulu Sutton and Charles Jenkins. Mary Ambrose
was the organist for many years; so was Lulu Sutton later on.
The local Christian Endeavor Society was organized 4-5-1889 in the home of William
Thomas Willis when he was a resident minister. It was a union organization of Friends and
Methodists, with Stella Andrews Barnard, president and Alida Dingee, secretary. It had as
its purpose to promote an earnest Christian life among its members. At the beginning there
were 21 active and 20 associate members.
The records of 1889 are not available but from the memory of Friends it is certain that
it was at this time that the first meeting house was removed and became "Temperance
Hall." It was used in this capacity for some years. It was later acquired by Hallock
Sutton and is today the Undertaker's parlors of George Harold Sutton. It has been somewhat
modified, but the main part of the original building is there. Of course this meant the
building of a new meeting house. And those who wanted one that looked more like a church
finally had their way. The present meeting house was the result. At the time of building
it was without the Port-cochere, and kitchen and the Sunday School room was smaller. It
was built in the fall and winter of 1888-89 and was dedicated in February of 1889.
Sylvanus Coutant was the designer and carpenter. The actual cost is unknown but it is
estimated from memory to have cost between $3000 and $4000.
William Thomas Willis remained in Clintondale long after his pastorate expired, as a
resident minister. And as such greatly influenced the life of the community. His name
almost regularly appears in the minutes in some capacity or other until 1910, and once as
late as 1921 when he was a very old man.
Harrie R. Keats came to Clintondale largely through the influence of William C. Tabor.
He came from the Salvation Army. It was with him that the revival movement really began in
Clintondale. He was an exceptionally fine preacher and seemed to be a natural evangelist.
Needless to say he won a great many converts. He is said to have been a fine singer as
well. His salary for the first year was $800, a part of it being raised by William Tabor.
For his second and last year he received less. His dates are unknown, however, he stayed
just two years,
We do not have the minutes from 1874 to 1894. Beginning 1st mo 10th 1894 and onward we
have the complete minutes. And in the minutes of 1894-95 the names of the following
Friends appear frequently in one capacity or another, Charles 1. Cornell, clerk from 1894
to 1902 and treasurer much longer; Katharine Thorn, clerk from 1903 to 1920; Hallock
Sutton, William G. Birdsall, Hulda Sutton, John W. Weaver, Mary Weaver, George H.
Carpenter, Kate Carpenter, Katherine Covert, Alida Dingee, James Hull, Addie Wanzer,
William D. Wanzer, Kittie Wiltsie, Mary Ambrose, John Sutton, Frank Elting, Katie Cornell,
Lulu Hull Sutton, Caleb Thompson, William Thomas Willis, Charles W. Mowbray, Jennie
Jenkins, Charles A. Jenkins, Harriet Roe, and Mary Bernard.
As to the exact date when James D. Wood came to Clintondale as pastor we do not know,
but some Friends remember him as early as 1892. We do know that he was pastor in 1894
receiving a salary of $8.00 per week. We know, too, that he came to Clintondale at the
peak of the revival movement. He was a brother to Adelbert Wood. Definitely he was a deep
spiritual man. He made much use of the cottage prayer meetings. These were always fully
attended for one scarcely dared fail to attend. A good preacher; under his ministry the
meeting was very much alive. A skilled workman; he made the splendid white oak pulpit now
used in our Sunday School room. It is interesting to note that the total budget of the
meeting for this period ran $700, $800, and $900 - (in 1896). The meeting extended to him
a call but James Wood resigned 4-31-1897.
James Price came to Clintondale 5-1-1897. An elderly man, he was one of nine who
survived "Libby Prison" of Civil War days. He was a good man and earnest
although poorly educated. He was a man of deep feeling and did excellent pastoral work. He
came at a salary of $10.00 par week but it dropped to $375 per year for his last two
years. A native of Newburg, Oregon he resigned 4-3-1900 and returned to Oregon where he
was still living a few years ago.
A committee was appointed from the Elders to propose officers and committees for
service in the meeting until as late as 1902. Then that service was delegated to the
Pastoral Committee where it has remained since that date. Perhaps we should enter here a
list of the officers and committees that were serving the meeting at the turn of the
century - or rather, to be more exact the following were proposed and appointed at the
meeting which was held 1-10-1900:
There were other nominations which had to be
submitted to the Monthly Meeting; such as, Pastoral Committee, Temperance Committee, Care
of the Ministry, Overseers of the Poor, Elder Committee, Finance Committee and Overseers.
The Overseers were - Frank Elting, Patience Dingee, Harriet Roe and Caleb Thompson. These
Overseers made the following report 3-14-1900:
"The Queries and advices were read and the answers to the queries were directed to
the Monthly Meeting.
- Ans. We are careful to attend our meetings for worship, the hour well observed.
- Ans. We are preserved in love one toward another, due care is taken to end all
- Ans. They are, the discipline seasonably and impartially administered.
- Ans. Scriptures read daily as far as we know.
- Ans. Not quite clear in this query.
- Ans. As far as we know just in their dealings and fulfilling their engagements,
- Ans. No trust funds; all titles to property belonging to the Society recorded and kept
The Uniform Discipline was adopted by this meeting in its regular session 3-20-1901. A
little more than a year later we find this action taking place in the meeting - "By
order of the Yearly Meeting this is the last session of the Plattekill Preparative
Meeting. Being now governed by the new discipline our meeting transacting the affairs of
the church will be known as the Clintondale Local Business Meeting." The date of this
proceeding was 8-13-1902. An interesting sidelight on these preparative meetings is the
collections that were taken, - $0.02, $0.06, $0.13, $0.33, $0.17, and $0.66. - these
figures were takes somewhat at random from the minutes. We understand that they were used
to provide fuel for the oil lamps.
Fred Lewis Ryon was called 5-16-1900 to be the pastor. A native of Hanover, Michigan,
he and Olive Ryon came to Clintondale from the Poplar Ridge Meeting in N.Y. They were
noted in Clintondale chiefly for their prohibition work. They suffered many hardships and
much inconvenience as wall as actual threats upon their lives, this by the liquor forces
because of their decided stand. And of course there were a number of the members of the
meeting who stood with them. Notably among these was Katharine Covert. Fred Ryon's home
was set on fire three times; this led him to request that the meeting build or purchase a
parsonage. This the meeting was most willing and prompt to do. And a minute dated
9-19-1903 states, - "After some discussion it was decided to report to the Monthly
Meeting that a parsonage had been secured and the full amount raised and all indebtedness
paid." It was purchased from George Coutant for $1000. In so doing he made a generous
gift, the property being worth considerable more.
The meeting recorded Olive A. Ryon a minister in 1902. She conducted practically all of
the Sunday evening services after her recording. Fred and Olive Ryon were really a team In
the ministry. It was Fred Ryon who took J. Edward Ransome under his paternal care and
recommended him for service in the Tillson meeting. The Tillson Meeting later requested
that he be recorded a minister. He was so recorded and is today "The Sky Pilot"
of the Great Smoky Mountains of Tennessee. Fred Ryon received an annual salary of $400. He
gave up his work at the Clintondale Meeting on the advice of J. Lindley Spicer, Yearly
Meeting Superintendent, all became of the strain and sleepless nights through which they
had lived. They returned to Poplar Ridge Meeting in 1904. Fred and Olive Ryon are living
today in greatly advanced years at Green Cove Springs, Florida.
The records are scanty for a number of years to follow but it is evident that Walter
Commons followed the Ryons as pastor. Indeed, he came to Clintondale for evangelistic
meetings in 1901, He was one of the most pleasing preachers that the meeting ever had. He
stayed about a year and a half at a salary of $500,
The first trustees were appointed 5-17-1905. They were Charles L. Cornell, appointed
for one year; H. W. Sutton, for two years; and Charles Jenkins, for three years. This
order was set up so that one would come up for appointment each year.
Samuel H. Hodges came to Clintondale from the Salvation Army in the spring of 1906. He
was an aged man and of English descent. He had a very large family consisting of eight
children. A very spiritual man with a strong will and great determination, so he is
reported by those who sat under his ministry. He was well liked even by those who felt
most keenly his sharp and burning messages. Emma Hodges his wife, was a tireless helpmate.
His salary was $400 per year. During his ministry the Port-cochere was added to the church
building. It seem that Solomon Thorn and Wells Weaver were appointed to work in unison
with the Christian Endeavor Society to have this work done as is recorded in a minute for
9-19-1906. Lewis Thorn was the architect and the work was completed and paid for at a cost
of $213.99 and was so reported 10-9-1907. It was at this time that the cupola was repaired
and slightly altered. The parsonage was rented in the spring of 1907.
Caleb Horatio Hodges, son of Samuel Hodges, followed his father in the ministry at
Clintondale. He was married to Florence Cornell, daughter of Charles E. Cornell and they
resided outside of Clintondale. Caleb traveled back and forth to care for the Sunday
services. Upon the word of those who knew him he was a smart young preacher who could
speak the pointed truth and make you like it. He served the meeting one year at a salary
of $400.
John D. Piper, "the most beloved pastor that Clintondale village ever had,"
was minister of the meeting for twelve years. While only an ordinary preacher, he was
beloved by all because he was sympathetic with all. He was a father to all of his
congregation and a pastor to all of the community. Loving all, he was greatly loved.
Steadily through the years the church increased and his salary increased likewise. He came
in 1909 at a salary of $400. This was increased in a few years to $600 and in 1919 it was
$750; and in 1920 it was $862.50. It was during his ministry that the meeting house was
enlarged and repaired. In a minute for 3-19-1911 it speaks of a special meeting to
consider repairing and enlarging the meeting house. A committee was appointed to collect
funds and to proceed with the work. The committee - George Jones, Frank Terhune, Lincoln
Dingee, Willard Jenkins, James Heaton, James Hull, Edward Jenkins, John Thorn, Isaac
Duryea, Winfield Jenkins, Wells Weaver, Melford Hurd, and William Dobert. The Sunday
School room was considerably enlarged with the sliding doors; stained glass windows were
substituted for the rather plain ones; new pews were secured for the main auditorium; a
kitchen was added at the back of the church; a new stem heating plant was installed; and a
slate roof covering the Sunday School room and one side of the main part of the church
building. All at a cost of better than $2600. Lewis Thorn was the architect for these
The Friends Circle was organized at the home of Mary B. Terhune 3-8-1915. It was
Suzanne Piper's idea, and she secured the enthusiastic support of Kate Carpenter, Mary
Terhune and Artamissa Coutant who helped her to carry it into effect. The Circle was
formed, "To do serious kinds of Christian work." It was early stipulated that
the Circle was not to help pay the minister's salary. The first officers were, - Pres.
Emma Jenkins; V. Pres. Grace Minard; Sec. Mary B. Terhune; and Treas. May Thorn. The
Circle organized with 25 charter members and rapidly added others to this number. The
Circle laid the concrete walks in front of the church, put in the electric lights, assumed
responsibility for improving the parsonage, financed the reconditioning of the cemetery,
has had the church and parsonage painted a number of times, and has sponsored many other
worthy projects.
John Piper resigned 10-19-1921 and retired from the active ministry to live near his
daughter, Helen P. Bell in Milton. There he lived until his death in April of 1932. His
wife, Suzanne Piper, loved as her husband was loved, now lives at Batavia, N.Y.
Albert G. Shepard left the job of Field Secretary of the Yearly Meeting and became the
pastor of the Clintondale Meeting 1-19-1922. He had a genius for handling the finances of
a church. He is the one responsible for putting the meeting on the budget system with the
Every-Member canvas and the use of the weekly envelopes. For the four years during which
he remained at this meeting he received a salary of $1500 per year. He was largely
responsible for setting up this amount as a standard salary for pastors over the entire
Yearly Meeting. In Clintondale the salary has remained at that figure. Albert Shepard was
a man who was extremely interested in community work. He was a leader in the movement to
build a "Community House." The movement got under way, but it also got out of
hand and was directed to quite different interests from those which motivated Friend
Shepard. He was, also, a good scholar; one of deep thought and profound wisdom. His
successor has said that he was to him a most valued "Elder Brother." Albert and
Olive Shepard started the "Church Nights" in connection with the business
meetings. He resigned to retire from active service early in 1926.
Levinus K. Painter, a graduate of Hartford Theological Seminary, and Margaret E.
Painter, his wife, a trained worker in Religious Education, came to serve the meeting in
the spring of 1926. He was an intensive and untiring worker, a deep thinker and a scholar,
a good preacher and greatly interested in Religious Education. He was highly valued in the
Yearly Meeting and made many worthy contributions to the whole of the Yearly Meeting's
program. In the field of Religious Education his wife was a most valued helpmate. And the
decisive contribution which they made to the local meeting was in this field and under the
particular direction of Margaret Painter. Together they saw the need for more adequate
rooms in which to hold classes and a large room was built beside the kitchen at the back
of the church. This was done in 1927 and the Trustees reported to the business meeting in
March of 1929 that it was built at an approximate cost of $600.
The cemetery which is by the meeting house was condemned years ago. Under Levinus
Painter's leadership and enthusiasm for work, it was cleaned, plowed, reshaped, stones
reset, and generally made acceptable even as it is today. Levinus Painter left Clintondale
at the close of August in 1929. At present he is with the State College in Pennsylvania.
B. Russell Branson, and Bessie Phipps Branson, moved to Clintondale September 1st 1929
just a few weeks before the stock market crash that was the beginning of the depression. A
graduate of Guilford College and Hartford Theological Seminary, he came to the meeting
from Greensboro, N.C. He brought with him the friendliness of his native south. His labors
have seen many fruitful ingatherings. Working chiefly with the children and young people,
bringing the children into the Sunday School and the Vacation Bible School, and the young
people through training classes into active membership in the meeting. The need for
additional Sunday School room again required special effort. And in the fall of 1934 the
old basement room below the rear of the meeting house auditorium was cleaned out, a cement
floor laid, celotex walls and ceiling put up, electric lights added and on Rally Day the
room was formally opened for the use of the Junior Department of the Sunday School. The
cost of fixing this room was $252.79.
Today the meeting has a fine group of young married people. They posses a spirit of
unity and a willingness to work which makes them the strength and hope for the future. The
meeting has received two bequests in the last few years. One for $2000 from the late
George H. Carpenter, received in 1935, and one from the late Alida Dingee Sutton for
$2000, received in 1938. The most of $1000 of this latter fund was used to install a new
furnace and oil burner in the church. The other $1000 was set aside as a memorial to
Anthony Sutton.
Other bequests held by this meeting are the Bernard fund of $100 received 2-26-1908;
the Alphonse J. Koons fund of $3000, given in 1928; and the Abram Weeks fund, received
from the Hallock Sutton estate in 1929.
Among the many efforts of Russell Branson has been his earnest effort to extend the
influence of our Quaker testimonies into the surrounding neighborhoods and churches.
Through this means the meeting has strengthened the bonds of Christian fellowship among
the Christians of our larger community. The membership of the meeting has increased
through these years from 203 to 244. The meeting is alive and all organizations function
smoothly. And now, after nine and a half years of ministry with us, Russell Branson has
resigned to return to North Carolina June 30th 1939.